
ROCK: Causal Inference Principles for Reasoning about Commonsense Causality

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ROCK: Causal Inference Principles for Reasoning about Commonsense Causality


This repo contains official code for the ICML 2022 paper ROCK: Causal Inference Principles for Reasoning about Commonsense Causality by Jiayao Zhang, Hongming Zhang, Weijie J. Su, and Dan Roth.


Commonsense causality reasoning (CCR) aims at identifying plausible causes and effects in natural language descriptions that are deemed reasonable by an average person. Although being of great academic and practical interest, this problem is still shadowed by the lack of a well-posed theoretical framework; existing work usually relies on deep language models wholeheartedly, and is potentially susceptible to confounding co-occurrences. Motivated by classical causal principles, we articulate the central question of CCR and draw parallels between human subjects in observational studies and natural languages to adopt CCR to the potential-outcomes framework, which is the first such attempt for commonsense tasks. We propose a novel framework, ROCK, to Reason O(A)bout Commonsense K(C)ausality, which utilizes temporal signals as incidental supervision, and balances confounding effects using temporal propensities that are analogous to propensity scores. The ROCK implementation is modular and zero-shot, and demonstrates good CCR capabilities on various datasets.


Three datasets are used:


The ROCK framework contains four component and each of them can be customized. Below listed are the three that make use of language models and the default choices.

Reproducing Experiments


We use Python 3.8 and pytorch for training neural nets, please use pip install -r requirements.txt (potentially in a virtual environment) to install dependencies.

Notebook Overview

Pre-Computed Results

Some operations are computationally heavy (e.g., GPT-J model requires 25GB memory), you can download our pre-computed results using anonymous Dropbox links below:

After installing the dependencies and download all components, the repo structure should look as:

├── LICENSE                         # code license
├──                       # this file
├── causal_reasoner.ipynb
├── nyt_finetune.ipynb
├── result_presentation.ipynb
├── models
│   └── roberta_ft
│       └── ... (omitted)
├── exp_data
│   ├── acc_N_res.csv
│   ├── acc_noft_res_full.csv
│   ├── acc_res_full.csv
│   ├── copa_dev.json
│   ├── copa_dev_probs.csv
│   ├── copa_dev_probs_noft.csv
│   ├── copa_test.json
│   ├── copa_test_probs.csv
│   ├── copa_test_probs_noft.csv
│   ├── glucose_d1_probs.csv
│   ├── glucose_d1_probs_noft.csv
│   └── nyt_fine_tune.csv
└── src


    author = {Jiayao Zhang and Hongming Zhang and Weijie J. Su and Dan Roth},
    title = ,
    booktitle = {Proc. of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
    year = {2022},
    url = "",