Code for EMNLP 2020 paper: Analogous Process Structure Induction for Sub-event Sequence Prediction

View the Project on GitHub CogComp/APSI


This is the source code for the EMNLP 2020 paper: Analogous Process Structure Induction for Sub-event Sequence Prediction


Python 3.6
allennlp 1.0.0
spacy 2.2.2
torch 1.6.0

Usage Instruction


Download the cleaned dataset and move the intrinsic_dataset and extrinsic_dataset folders to the current location.

Intrinsic Evaluation

(1) Induce the abstractive representation with python abstractive_representation_induction.py

(2) Evaluate APSI with python Evaluate_APSI.py

Extrinsic Evaluation

(1) Train the event LM with python event_LM_training.py

(2) Test the performance of the LM with python event_prediction_evaluation.py

Bib file

The readers are welcome to star/fork this repository and use it to train your own model, reproduce our experiment, and follow our future work. Please kindly cite our paper:

  author    = {Hongming Zhang and
               Muhao Chen and
               Haoyu Wang and
               Yangqiu Song and
               Dan Roth},
  title     = {Analogous Process Structure Induction for Sub-event Sequence Prediction.},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of EMNLP 2020},
  year      = {2020}


If you have some questions about the code, you are welcome to open an issue or send me an email, I will respond to that as soon as possible.